Thursday, January 9, 2014


Value means the importance or usefulness of something such as a quality, attitude, or method.. If you place a particular value on something, that is the importance or usefulness you think it has. If you value something or someone, you think that they are important and you appreciate them. The word .value. is found in the practical, useful, and important aspects. On the other hand, the word .worth. is found in the intellectual, mental, and moral aspects.

Each one has different idea about value, but usually people follow the current idea except the people who have distinct ego and view of life. Since I came to the United States and have been living for 2 years, I found a lot of differences between Korean cultural values and those of the U.S.

In Korea, most of people value the politeness to elder persons caused by Confucianism. Also, family egoism overflows in my country. Many parents value the success of their kids in the future, so they don't mind other's problems caused by their family egoism. They usually think about "ONLY ME, MY KIDS," and "MY FAMILY."
Most of parents lead their children, even already grown up children, and they want to control their children.s future very often. They take care of their children generously and lavishly. They have a lot of patience for their children.s success, so they want to give the high education to their kids in face of all difficulties. Consequently, their kids depend on them too much for a long time. Also, most parents get rewarded psychology from their kids unconsciously. The oldest son's family responsibility is very important after his parents become old, so the oldest son feels burdensome from his parents. In the U.S., I like their cultural values to keep the public order senses. For example, they never complain about that even if they are supposed to keep line so long time. Most parents show their children, without hurry, which way is right. They also give the right of choice between wrong one and right one to their children. After American kids become adults, they live independently. The rich people return their wealth to others after they retired.
Many people work at many places as volunteers. They also have egoism, but it is different from that of my country. Their egoism never hurt and injure others. I rarely find the family egoism without consideration about others. situations from them. Of course, I don't see all of Americans and I don.t have enough experiences in this country.

Other's eyes are very important for Korean people. They can't ignore them and are usually sensible of other's eyes more than themselves' satisfaction. It has a big diffrence from American cultural values. American people seem to live in their own way without conscious of other's eyes. They enjoy living rationally and practically. They don't care other's eyes as long as they live within the legal limit. I haven't followed the fashion of the day or the vogue since I lived in America. 

Korean people are very smart enough to take a short way for success. People say that people can't live in Korea with just honesty and sincerity, so usually shrewd opportunists succeed in their lives. It is very shameful phenomenon. However American society never cheats people who are honest and hardworking and sincere, so they are guaranteed their comfortable future. I am not sure whether it's ture or not. Truely the population of Korea is so big comparing the size of land, so the competition should be tough unavoidably and sometimes place their value at the wrong side. That's it.

I really don't want to adjust to the current of these days in Korea because many young people including some high-class people are crazy about the Western culture. After Korean War, we have just 50 years so far, but our culture developed too much during this short time. Consequently, cultural lag showed up. Korean people didn't accept both of the civilization and culture, so they suffer from a mental disorder. Sometimes I am ashamed of my fellow country members' arrogant behaviors. From the outside of my country since I've been living here, I can see their wrong behaviors. I feel a sense of betrayal and hut my patriotism when I see undesirable things from them. 

I really love my native country, Korea where my all lovers are living. Also I have the strong Korean spirit in my heart. Korea in my heart is the best country just like paradise without crimes, jeolousy, competition, family egoism, arrogance, and argument. I am dreaming Korea like in that way.  (2002)

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