Saturday, January 25, 2014


El Dorado Park in Long Beach
People usually recharge their energy that they are consumed by the hurried life of today through taking trip. I do so , too. Befor I was married, I had many chances to take a trip. I used to enjoy the beautiful view of mountains, rivers, valleys, and so on... For the over ten years since I got married, I couldn't dream even a dream to take a trip because I had  two children and mountainous house chores to take care of. My life without any trips was so monotonous and tiresome. At last I god a chance to take a trip to El Dorado Park in Long Beach with classmates of Adult School a few days ago. What a nice and precious chance! That trip already became one of my favorite trips even if I didn't do yet. 
These days I get my own free time to go out by myself because my children are more grown up and independent. I can take the VESL class and conversation class at Long Beach Adult School for self-improvement. Recently I created the group named "Friday Fun Club" with the students in both VESL class and conversation class by the help of the teachers. Any students of the school could be a member of this club if he wants to be. We meet on the last Friday a month when we don't have any class. We decide to visit some nice places in City of Long Beach such as parks, museums, libraries and other social organizations in order to strengthen our friendship and improve our English skills once a month. When I suggested this plan of our club to the students, they looked very excited Our members are already 26 persons.
The first meeting of Friday Fun Club was on March 28, 2003. It was very successful. Surely all members had a wonderful and memorable time. We gathered in the school classroom at 9:00 a.m. before our departure. To my regret, just 11 members participated in the first meeting because many members were working at that time. Before leaving for the park, we voted the first president of FF Club and I was elected. That title for me was too much. It made me uncomfortable, but all of our members encouraged me. At first, we made a plan for our future activities and made some rules for our club. Finally we departed for the El Dorado Park, the first trip destination of FF Club, nearby the school. 
We arrived there safely. It took about one hour to find some members who already came right there without stopping at the school. Nevertheless, we were off to a nice start. The color green of the spring was there in the park. Clear and light weather, crisp wind, a large number of ducks and swans swimming on the pond, brave squirrels approaching and staring us... Everything was wonderful.
We shared our lunch. Every food that each member brought was delicious. After enjoyng lunch, we tooa a walk around the peaceful pond. We chattered away happily as we walked. We sang a song of each country with translation into English by turns. I am sure that was a exciting experience for each member because we can learn English at the same time as singing. 
Around at 1:00 p.m., we had to break up our first trip in expectation of next meeting because some members had to go to the work and some had to go sleep after the hard work through the previous night. On the way home, I felt deeply moved by all members' nice behavior and faithfulness to their everyday lives.
I think our first trip would be my favorit trip even the meeting place was not luxury or famous but simple and trivial to others because all of great and dear club members were there with me. I hope my favorite trip will be stacked into neat piles with our Friday Fun Club's activities. (2003)  

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