Tuesday, March 11, 2014




 Assignment A
    She was standing in the second row from the front. Every child wore a white high-necked shirt. All the boys wore black pants, and she wore black-pleated skirt exactly like every other girl. Their skirts hung down to their calves and long red scarves were put round their waists and were tied loosely on their sides. The long both ends of scarf fluttered as they were moving.
    The white navy hat on her head slightly cevered her wide firhead. Her long curly brown hair under the hat slipped down softly on her shoulders. She was an Asian to any eye, but she had fair and clear skin. She blinked her big eyes that had a double eyelid. Then she shook her body and leaned her head to one side very slightly. 
    At last the music started. the children on the stage began to sing and dance. She opened her mouth with big and full-looking lips compared with her small face, and sang, too. The rhythm was fast and lilting. The children didn't catch that rhythm, so they were moving around in confusion.
    Suddenly she looked toward her left and stared fixedly at another girl. Later on she stared at the girl on the other side. And then she looked at the front and continued singing and dancing. She showed the same behavior several times during the performance.
    "Please give your big hands to those young people. Those young people belong to the Peewee Pirate Club, and they did a wonderful job. What a blessing!" The pastor said.   
    People applauded. As the conductor gave a sign to the children, they faced their right and from the last row, they began to leave the stage through the back door of auditorium.
    While she was waiting her turn, she had her right hand holding the navy hat already. At that moment the girl just in front of her waved her hand to a woman among the people. She let that girl stop right away. People burst out laughing.
    As she walked down from the stage with soft steps, her long hair was waving on her back. The butterfly-shaped her hair pins were shining on the back of her good-looking ears. She was getting away and soon disappeared through the door.

Assignment B
    I was standing in the second row from the front. My shirt made me uncomfortable. Its high neck choked my throat. Besides, my skirt was too long. I hated that because it looked like my grandma's. The navy hat drove me crazy, too. How ugly that hat was! It covered my new hair pins that were butterfly-shaped and glittered like stars. Those were my mom's gifts. I really wanted to show those off to people.
    My group was named "Peewee Pirate Club," so we must wear the navy uniforms. Why did the people make so many rules and want us to keep those? I didn't like any rule.
    I was bored. "Why do we wait so long? What are we waiting for? My legs are hurt." I looked at Mrs. Bomacod sitting on the front chair. She seemed worried about whether we would do well or not. She blinked one eye to me and gave a sign. I thought she wanted me to stand at attention before singnig. I tried.
    Finally we began to sing along with the piano. I really wanted to sing wonderfully because we practiced so much with Mrs. Bomacod. I sang while watching Mrs. Bomacod's conduct.
    Suddenly I heard Jenny next to me made a strange tone. Lydia on the door side, too. "What's going on?" I turned around to them by turns and tried to correct them with angry expression many times, but they ignored me. People laughed. What a shame! I was angry with them.
    When we finished singing, people clapped like thunder. I knew they didn't like our song, but our cute costumes and dance. I felt hot. I couldn't stand my ugly uniform any more, especially the hat, which covered my pretty pins. I took it off fast. I felt cool on both my head and heart.
    We faced to the right and were waiting for Mrs. Bomacod's sign to leave from the stage. At that time Jenny in front of me saw her mom and waved her hand. Her mom waved back. Her behavior reminded me of her mistake during the performance. She didn't seem realize that. What a silly girl! I patted her on the back and let her pay attention to leave from the stage.
    Finally I could be getting outside. I breathed fresh air deeply.

Assignment 5: This story has two parts.

A) After observing  a child or teenager engaged in activity of some kind and write a 350-word objective description of him or her.
B) Create a 350-word inner portrait of that child, using his or her language to express thought and feelings.

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