Making Dahlgonah
When I was young, Korea was a just developing country after the Korean War, so we didn't have any snacks or cookies . Instead, we created an unique snack that we could make with only two ingredients. We called it Dahlgonah. That meant, "how sweet!" in English. It was so good. I still remember what a thrill it was making Dahlgonah and hiding it from our parents.
There were two reasons for us to make it without our parents knowing. The first reason for that was the risk of fire use. The second one was the waste of sugar that was expensive and precious at that time. Unfortunately we used to be discovered and scolded by our parents because we burnt the metal scoop black.
Do you want to learn how to make it? If you are willing to follow directions carefully, you could be a wonderful cook!
Completed Snack, Dahlgonah
Things You'll Need:
- 3 tablespoons white sugar
- Half teaspoon baking soda
Metal scoop, wooden chopsticks, a cookie sheet, heat-resistant spatula and assorted
shapes of cookie cutters
- Sprinkle the sugar 1/3 tablespoon on the cookie sheet first to keep the melted sugar and baking sodamixture from sticking.
- Put the sugar 2/3 tablespoon in the metal scoop over low heat. Stir constantly with a chopstick until the sugar comes to a full rolling boil. Wooden chopsticks are better because they don't get hot.
- Remove the scoop from heat.
- Put baking soda in it. If you put in too much, it tastes bitter. If you put in too little, it won't rising. Just dipping a chopstick in sugar two times is enough.
- Turn off the gas, and stir the sugar mixture with a chopstick. When it rises, put it on the cookie sheet and press it with the spatula.
- Cut it with a cookie cutter into your favorite shape, and enjoy. If you move the cookie cutter a little bit from side to side, you can separate much easier.
Tips and Warnings:
- When children use the oven, at least one adult needs to watch them.
- A rolling boil is a boil that doesn't stop bubbling when stirred.
- When the sugar melts down two-thirds , you can put in chocolate or candy crumbs. It tastes fantastic!
- Cool completely after pressing melted liquid on the cooking sheet with a spatula. Then cut it into shapes you like with a cookie cutter.
- If you are lazy, you can eat from the scoop right away without cutting. After you finish eating, put the water on the scoop and boil it a little. It tasts good also!
Assignment 7 : Article
달고나의 먹는 방법과 맛을 영어로 설명한다는 것이 정말로 쉽지 않은 일이었다. 단 한 사람이라도 영어를 모국어로 쓰는 이가 여기 소개한 내 레시피를 보고 달고나를 만들어 먹어 볼 수 있다면 대단히 성공적인 일일게다. 아니 이 글을 보고 먹고싶은 마음이라도 든다면 내게 얼마나 커다란 뿌듯함을 안겨줄 것인가!