Thursday, February 6, 2014

What I learned from the ESL Class of the School for Adults in Long Beach

Student: Yoon Choi
Teacher: Ron Fujihara
School: The School for Adults in Long Beach

I have been living in America for about 20 months and attending the School for Adults in Long Beach for over one year. When I think about this school, I am surprised with the level of concern and the efforts of America for foreigners. I appreciate this fantastic educational system and all the ESL class teachers who really enjoy their work as a educator. The teachers not only teach their students how to speak and write English, but also help their students' adaptation to America with thoughtful consideration. They  encourage their students to meet new challeges. The teachers' strong senses of responsibility are my first favorable impressions about America.

I have learned English skills by the systematic teaching methods used by the teachers of this school. The teachers always teach us step by step with various educational materials in diversified ways, so we can easily follow their instructions. After that, we can feel achievement and also get self-confidence.

While I have been studying in this school, I have taken a few classes. Above all, I liked the online class by using the teacher's own web site. I improved my power of thinking in English through completing assignments, and I could be free from fear of English and shyness through the presentation in front of many classmates. Besides, I learned many kinds of computer skills while I submitting the assignments that I did online. Whart a win-win situation!

I also loved participating in the conversation class. All students including me talked to each other about the daily topic presented by the teacher. Our tension melted away and we found our friendship got stronger after we talked to each other in poor English. Moreover, the opportunity to learn different culture from each other was just the icing on the cake. These were greatly exciting experiences for me.

At the beginning of my life in America, I had a hard time trying to make myself understood because of my lack of English. Now I have improved in English skills tremendously. I came to understand Americans' words and can express my thought in English. I want to thank all of my teachers' hard work in this school with my heart. I respect their passion to teach their students and their educational viewpoint. They are real spokespersons of the generous educational system and immigration policy of America.

Attending the school for adults is the best choice to learn English and understand different culture. There is no choice but to adjust ourselves to this country because we already chose this country as our second homelands. When I use acquired English skills in real situations, such as , writng resumes or business letters, reading the policies about automobile or medical insurance, going shopping, and ordering food at restaurant, I can throw away my anxiety about mistakes into the trash can. I am not a coward or escapist in America any more.

By the time I finish ESL class, I am sure I will be one of  self-sufficient, responsible community members. I won't be an outsider in community where I belong any more. I will try my best to get a good job and play an important role. When I stand grandly in the center of the American society as a Korean-American, I'll become an ESL class teacher and help my students to take roots in America just as my teachers have done for me. (2002)

***This essay was submitted to the 2002-2003 Adult Level Writing Contest by CATESOL Adult Level. Unfortunately my attempt ended in failure with the letter from the organizer of the contest as follows:

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